Frequently Asked Questions
What is a PAC?
A Political Action Committee (PAC) is an organization that pools contributions from individuals. The Iowa Community Health PAC then makes contributions to the campaigns of legislators who are supportive of community health center priorities.
Why should you donate to the PAC?
The PAC supports the critical advocacy efforts of Iowa's community health centers. PACs are utilized to bring heightened awareness to issues and policy solutions that are important for community health centers. A PAC amplifies the collective voice of community health centers, enhances advocacy efforts, and pools resources for a larger impact.
What is your contribution's impact?
Amplifies our collective voice, keeping community health centers at the forefront of conversations around community health issues and priorities.
Enhances and complements existing advocacy efforts by community health centers.
Support incumbents (those currently in office) for the Iowa Legislature and statewide officials who are committed to community health.
How are contributions distributed?
Contributions are made to candidates using the PAC's guiding principles, regardless of political party, and are confirmed by the Iowa Community Health PAC Committee. Contributions to a PAC cannot be earmarked for a particular candidate. However, suggestions can be submitted to the PAC for consideration.
Who does the PAC represent?
The Iowa Community Health PAC represents issues and priorities of Iowa's community health centers. The Iowa Community Health PAC provides a unified voice for community health center staff, patients, and the under-resourced communities receiving care.
Will contributions guarantee favorable votes on our issues?
Contributions by PACs are not intended to change decisions of elected officials.
Who can contribute?
Those interested in supporting community health. Community health center employees who have policymaking, managerial, professional, supervisory or administrative non-clerical responsibilities are encouraged to contribute to the Iowa Community Health PAC campaign. All contributions are voluntary and have no impact on job status, performance review or compensation.
Is my contribution tax deductible?
No. Contributions are not deductible on federal or state income tax returns.